Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy is the use and treatment based around natural oils and is a holistic therapy; looking at the person as a 'whole' taking into consideration the causes & symptoms of their ailments using the pharmacological, physical & aromatic effects of essential oils for relaxation & the improvement of physical & emotional well-being. It is used to maintain good health and homeostasis in the body.


An Essential Oil is an aromatic, volatile substance that is extracted from plant material. It comes from various parts of the plant such as the flowers, leaves or bark & some plants produce more than one essential oil.


These oils have tiny molecules and are easily absorbed into the skin when applied with a carrier oil in the form or massage. Each essential oil has certain properties & effects on the mind, body & skin which can certainly contribute to helping symptoms a client may present.


In a typical Aromatherapy Massage treatment the therapist will carry out a consultation as normal, paying particular attention to the client's health conditions, symptoms & current state at that time through discussion. The therapist will then select suitable essential oils they feel may benefit the client based on their properties & allow the client to inhale the aromas and mutually pick a suitable blend.


Aromatherapy Massage uses some of the classic Swedish Massage techniques to:

  • Aid deep relaxation
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve suppleness
  • Reduce muscular tension
  • Aid lymphatic drainage
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve sense of well-being and more...


Aromatherapy Oils can also be applied in a treatment though compresses, inhalations, diffusers and more.

Important Information


Essential Oils may only be blended & used on other people by a qualified Aromatherapist. Used properly, essential oils are very safe because they are diluted and only applied in small amounts. However they are extremely concentrated and potentially toxic and should therefore only be diluted and not applied directly to the skin without the use of a carrier oil or taken internally.

Aromatherapy Massage Prices


30 minutes  £37


45 minutes £47


60 minutes £53


75 minutes £59


90 minutes £67

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