Post-Event Massage

Post-Event massage is a type of Sports Massage performed after an event or sporting performance to enable a rapid and safe cooling down from the exertion of sport.


Post-event massage uses slow, deep, relaxing & cleansing strokes such as:


Effleurage, Petrissage, Compression & Connective Tissue Massage (CTM). 


The purpose of post-event massage is to aim to:


  • Remove toxins in the form of metabolic waste & lactic acid from exerted muscles. 
  • Aid blood & lymph flow so the toxins can be removed from the body. 
  • Aid circulation back to the heart and to intensely-worked muscles.
  • Reduce joint & muscle soreness, stiffness & fatigue.
  • Speed up recovery time of muscles.
  • Reduce & prevent swelling.
  • Stretch & relax tense muscle fibres.
  • Starts the healing process of microtraumas, preventing them becoming problomatic.
  • Prevent future injuries by enabling muscles to rest properly & heal faster.



Research shows that this type of massage is said to be 3-4 as effective as rest which can significantly help to speed up the recovery of muscle fatigue, for sports persons to regain health, training and performance.

(VTCT Documentation)



  • Post-Event massage must not replace a cool down, it is just a part of it.


  • It is recommended that event massage should only be given if the athlete has previously been treated with massage during training or rehabilitation because the massage may disrupt the athletes performance if they are not used to it.

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